Ugandan activists rally for cultural revitalisation ahead of global circle for climate Justice

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Ugandan activists rally for cultural revitalisation ahead of global circle for climate Justice
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Ugandan climate activists have highlighted the significance of tapping into ancestral wisdom to address present-day environmental challenges.

These activists, organised under the umbrella bodies of Mothers Rebellion Uganda and End Fossil Occupy Uganda, are set to join global counterparts for the 5th Global Circle for Climate Justice on African Freedom Day, scheduled for May 25, 2024.

With the theme "Reclaiming and Revitalizing Traditional African Cultures and Knowledge Systems," the event aims to advocate for environmental conservation and cultural pride as essential tools in the fight against climate change.

Against the historical backdrop of Africa's struggles with climate injustices rooted in centuries of exploitation dating back to colonialism, activists are rallying to restore African values grounded in harmony with nature.

In an interview with the Nile Post, Caroline Alupo, Founder of Mothers Rebellion Uganda, emphasized the importance of drawing upon ancestral wisdom to address modern environmental challenges.

"By reclaiming our cultural heritage, we can pave the way for sustainable solutions," declared Alupo.

The gathering seeks to mobilize a diverse coalition, inviting mothers, sisters, grandmothers, nurturers, caregivers, climate activists, and cultural ambassadors to join forces in advocating for climate justice.

Through dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collective action, participants aim to raise awareness and make tangible strides towards a more equitable and sustainable future for future generations.

Alupo expressed enthusiasm for the event's significance on African Freedom Day.

"This is our day. We are thrilled to celebrate our cultural heritage while simultaneously advocating for climate justice. Our goal is to harness the richness of our traditions to forge a path towards a sustainable and just world for our children," she noted.

In the face of mounting climate challenges, Alupo sounded the alarm on the escalating weather crises impacting Uganda and neighboring countries.

She highlighted the distressing pattern of heatwaves and erratic weather phenomena plaguing the region, severely affecting farmers and rural communities reliant on agriculture.

"This year alone, Uganda has witnessed alarming heatwaves and unpredictable weather fluctuations," expressed Alupo. "From scorching temperatures to sudden downpours, the erratic climate patterns have wreaked havoc on farming communities."

Nicholas Omonuk, co-founder of End Fossil Occupy Uganda, raised concerns about the lack of awareness and inadequate resources exacerbating the climate crisis in rural communities, particularly in Uganda and across Africa.

Omonuk emphasized the pervasive knowledge gap among rural populations regarding the existential threat posed by climate change.

"Many rural communities are unaware that climate change poses a grave danger to their livelihoods and future.This ignorance hampers their ability to adopt effective mitigation and adaptation strategies,"he said.

Adding to this challenge is the glaring disparity in adaptation and mitigation financing, with countries in the global south, like Uganda, receiving disproportionately minimal support despite bearing the brunt of climate impacts.

Omonuk underscored the urgent need for increased financial assistance to strengthen resilience efforts in vulnerable regions.

Drawing from his personal experience growing up in Pallisa, within Uganda's Iteso tribe, Omonuk recounted the stark realities of climate change wreaking havoc on traditional ways of life.

"Our community, heavily reliant on livestock for income and sustenance, is grappling with the devastating effects of prolonged droughts. The scarcity of water and pasture has forced many to embark on arduous journeys in search of resources, while some have been compelled to sell off their livestock as they struggle to survive," he said.

In response to the crisis, Omonuk urged youth empowerment and proact

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